Table of Contents

**Table of Contents** Preface **1. Introduction** Critical starting points The goal: a science centered on life **2. Starting Points** The effects of architecture The mechanistic world view Understanding life The search for order in nature **3. Pattern Theory** Basic concepts: Center(s) and Wholeness Space as the basis for life The Fifteen Properties of life _Diagrams for the 15 Properties Property 1: Levels of scale Property 2: Strong center Property 3: Boundaries Property 4: Alternating repetition Property 5: Positive space (complementarity) Property 6: Good form (adaptation) Property 7: Local symmetry Property 8: Deep interlock (Ambiguity) Property 9: Contrast (difference) Property 10: Gradients Property 11: Roughness (individuality) Property 12: Echoes (similarity) Property 13: The void (open space) Property 14; Simplicity and Inner Calm Property 15: Not-separateness (connectedness)_ Aspects of the properties of life The relationship of properties and Transformations Towards a mathematics of living systems? The perception of the Quality of Life Experimental results Conventional judgements of taste Examples for The Gradual Quality of Life The empirical scientific aspect Transformations The principle of Small Steps The principle of reversibility The principle of efficiency The principle of Structure Preservation The principle of symmetry The principle of Uniqueness The principle of equilibrium 15 properties and 15 transformations The transformations and the Creative Process The concept of the pattern Transformations as Solutions to Problems Pattern languages - tool boxes for change Patterns - Optionality and Participation Pattern examples The concept of the anti-pattern The process The mechanical process The living process The importance of Sequence Good sequences are rare How to find good sequences About architecture Life in Everyday Systems The accusation of traditionalism Participation and shared vision Shared feelings **4. Application examples** Patterns in architecture Patterns in software development -_Software Design Patterns -Extreme Programming_ Patterns in Online Communities Patterns in Social Movements Patterns in Regional Development Patterns - chances in Education Patterns in the theory of Dialogue Permaculture and pattern theory **5. Connections** Pattern theory as a systems theory Technical modularity and object orientation Modern physics Bio-cybernetics and Frederic Vester Theory of evolution Christian believe and Teilhard de Chardin Critical rationalism and Karl Popper Critical Marxist theory and Klaus Holzkamp Constructivism The relativity of relativism The relativity of the absolute **6. Current Problems** The development of Economy The development of Democracy The development of Society]] - Noosphere **7. Summary** The scientific Pattern Method The paradigm Conclusion **8. Appendices** Appendix 1. Property interaction matrix Appendix 2. Glossary Appendix 3. Synopsis of property diagrams **9. Bibliography**